(function($){ $.fn.megamenu = function(options) { options = jQuery.extend({ wrap:'#meganavigator', easing: "easeInOutCirc", speed: 300, justify: "left", mm_timeout: 250 }, options); var menuwrap = $(this); //$('li.level1').css({ 'float': options.justify }); buildmenu(menuwrap); // Build menu function buildmenu(mwrap){ mwrap.find('li').each(function(){ var menucontent = $(this).find(".mega-content:first"); var menuitemlink = $(this).find(".item-link:first"); var menucontentinner = $(this).find(".mega-content-inner"); var mshow_timer = 0; var mhide_timer = 0; var li = $(this); var islevel1 = (li.hasClass('level1'))?true:false; var havechild = (li.hasClass('havechild'))?true:false; if(menucontent){ menucontent.hide(); } li.mouseenter(function(el){ el.stopPropagation(); clearTimeout(mhide_timer); clearTimeout(mshow_timer); addHover(li); if(havechild){ positionSubMenu(li, islevel1); mshow_timer = setTimeout(function(){ //Emulate HoverIntent showSubMenu(li, menucontent, menucontentinner); }, options.mm_timeout); } }).mouseleave(function(el){ //return; clearTimeout(mshow_timer); clearTimeout(mhide_timer); if(havechild){ mhide_timer = setTimeout(function(){ //Emulate HoverIntent hideSubMenu(li, menucontent, menucontentinner); //menucontent.css('overflow','hidden'); }, options.mm_timeout); //hideSubMenu(li, menucontent, menucontentinner); } removeHover(li); }); }); } // Show Submenu function showSubMenu(li, mcontent, mcontentinner){ mcontentinner.animate({ opacity: 1 }, 100, function() { }); mcontent.stop(true, true).slideDown({ duration: options.speed, easing: options.easing, complete:function(){ mcontent.css('overflow',''); } }); } // Hide Submenu function hideSubMenu(li, mcontent, mcontentinner){ mcontentinner.animate({ opacity: 0 }, 2*options.mm_timeout, function() { }); mcontent.slideUp({ duration: options.mm_timeout, easing: 'linear'}); } // Add class hover to li function addHover(el){ $(el).addClass('hover'); } // Remove class hover to li function removeHover(el){ $(el).removeClass('hover'); } // Position Submenu function positionSubMenu(el, islevel1){ menucontent = $(el).find(".mega-content:first"); menuitemlink = $(el).find(".item-link:first"); menucontentinner = $(el).find(".mega-content-inner"); wrap_O = menuwrap.offset().left; wrap_W = menuwrap.outerWidth(); menuitemli_O = menuitemlink.parent('li').offset().left; menuitemli_W = menuitemlink.parent('li').outerWidth(); menuitemlink_H = menuitemlink.outerHeight(); menuitemlink_W = menuitemlink.outerWidth(); menuitemlink_O = menuitemlink.offset().left; menucontent_W = menucontent.outerWidth(); if (islevel1) { menucontent.css({ 'top': menuitemlink_H + "px", 'left': menuitemlink_O - menuitemli_O + 'px' }) if(options.justify == "left"){ var wrap_RE = wrap_O + wrap_W; // Coordinates of the right end of the megamenu object var menucontent_RE = menuitemlink_O + menucontent_W; // Coordinates of the right end of the megamenu content if( menucontent_RE >= wrap_RE ) { // Menu content exceeding the outer box menucontent.css({ 'left':wrap_RE - menucontent_RE + menuitemlink_O - menuitemli_O + 'px' }); // Limit megamenu inside the outer box } } else if( options.justify == "right" ) { var wrap_LE = wrap_O; // Coordinates of the left end of the megamenu object var menucontent_LE = menuitemlink_O - menucontent_W + menuitemlink_W; // Coordinates of the left end of the megamenu content if( menucontent_LE <= wrap_LE ) { // Menu content exceeding the outer box menucontent.css({ 'left': wrap_O - (menuitemli_O - menuitemlink_O) - menuitemlink_O + 'px' }); // Limit megamenu inside the outer box } else { menucontent.css({ 'left': menuitemlink_W + (menuitemlink_O - menuitemli_O) - menucontent_W + 'px' }); // Limit megamenu inside the outer box } } }else{ _leftsub = 0; menucontent.css({ 'top': menuitemlink_H*0 +"px", 'left': menuitemlink_W + _leftsub + 'px' }) if(options.justify == "left"){ var wrap_RE = wrap_O + wrap_W; // Coordinates of the right end of the megamenu object var menucontent_RE = menuitemli_O + menuitemli_W + _leftsub + menucontent_W; // Coordinates of the right end of the megamenu content //console.log(menucontent_RE+' vs '+wrap_RE); if( menucontent_RE >= wrap_RE ) { // Menu content exceeding the outer box menucontent.css({ 'left': _leftsub - menucontent_W + 'px' }); // Limit megamenu inside the outer box } } else if( options.justify == "right" ) { var wrap_LE = wrap_O; // Coordinates of the left end of the megamenu object var menucontent_LE = menuitemli_O - menucontent_W + _leftsub; // Coordinates of the left end of the megamenu content //console.log(menucontent_LE+' vs '+wrap_LE); if( menucontent_LE <= wrap_LE ) { // Menu content exceeding the outer box menucontent.css({ 'left': menuitemli_W - _leftsub + 'px' }); // Limit megamenu inside the outer box } else { menucontent.css({ 'left': - _leftsub - menucontent_W + 'px' }); // Limit megamenu inside the outer box } } } } }; })(jQuery);